Instructions to Prospective Students

We are always actively recruiting postdocs, Prospective graduate students and interns!

[Important] Please read the paragraphs below carefully to increase the chance of getting your email replied.


We are hiring highly motivated students to work with me on the frontiers of computer vision, machine learning, as well as their applications in AI.

Undergraduate students can directly send emails to inquire about research intern position. Please send your CV + Transcript and use "PKU-UG-YourUniversity-YourName" as subject of your first email. For letter-of-reference requests: normally, I only write recommendation letters for students with more than 6 months reseach experience in our group to ensure we have someting concrete to comment.

Our group has openning positions for Ph.D and Master in each year. Please send your CV + Transcript and use "PKU-Graduate-YourUniversity-YourName" as subject of your first email. In your email, please explain how your research interst align with our group.


We are hiring highly motivated postdocs to join our group through the Boya Postdoctoral Fellowship at Peking University.
Please send your CV + Research Statement and use "PKU-Postdoc-YourUniversity-YourName" as subject of your first email.